Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What a Trip!

What a trip it has been reading Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin while serving at a place I have never been to before this class has been an experience. For the past few weeks I have been going to Praise Chapel. I have now committed about 9 hours of service making and serving breakfast to struggling people in the bright early morning. The one thing I learned was the ripple effect is strong. Coming to Praise Chapel I met a lot of interesting people that I would have never met if I hadn’t served. There is this family that comes in together and Teresa basically runs the kitchen she cooks and is kind of like the boss. Teresa brings her kids in and they are so helpful. Because of the example Teresa and her husband set by cooking and serving breakfast to the less fortunate their kids want to help. It is so good to see little five year old kids asking to help with dishes and help serve orange juice to the people. The ripple effect is so strong in that area that people that were down on their luck have come back to serve. There is no difference between the people that come in for food and the humble servants of God because most of the time they are like the people of Korphe and help out as well. The ultimate goal is getting everyone fed and then cleaning up after ourselves and they help. Serving the people that come to Praise Chapel on Thursdays in at 730 till whenever people stop coming is one of the high lights to my week. When I was sick I felt terrible that I couldn’t make it in but I didn’t want to get them sick either. My life is richer now that I have started serving at Praise Chapel and I don’t want to stop serving because I may not do much but it’s important to somebody.

1 comment:

  1. I think your last statement is so true. Thanks for sharing!
